пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

Is it terrible crisis, as it is painted?

Over the past few months the phrase "global financial crisis" is already crammed nauseam simple townsfolk. What to do, if our lives are inextricably linked with money, and money, in turn, just as inextricably linked with the banks? Willy-nilly, we have to delve into the processes taking place in this area. But there is a silver lining: this knowledge will help sober look at the situation in the Russian banking sector, and not to worry from ignorance. And we will try to make the presentation of this knowledge as simple and affordable.

So, put all on the shelves and start with the basic concepts. In today's world banking system of any country is one of the important and integral structure of the economy, playing a crucial role in its development. Banks have become part of our lives and provide the most diverse services - from traditional banking operations to the latest forms designed to meet the highest demands and needs of its customers. Therefore, the stability of the banking system is extremely important not only for the implementation of monetary policy in the state, but also for the quiet life of the population.

With banking operations, most of us face regularly. For example, remittance allows to transfer money anywhere in the world in the shortest possible time. Many banks are participants in specialized transfer systems. These systems have tens of thousands of points of service in the various countries of the world. But the most important thing for us: they are a kind of litmus test in assessing the performance of banks. After all transfers go through the chain of interconnected elements of the banking system. Failure of at least one of them immediately affect the operation of the entire circuit.

Audited by the example of the international money transfers and payments CONTACT. Firstly, because it is the first Russian system of international money transfers and payments, created the Bank "RUSSLAVBANK" (JSC) in 1999. Second, it brings together more than 1/3 of the Russian banks. Since it employs more than 600 banks in the CIS countries and abroad. Third, the system meets the requirements of the international quality standard ISO 9001: 2000, providing customers with high quality, competitive services. Fourth, it has more than 40,000 locations in 86 countries, including more than 4000 points in 900 cities of Russia.

Fifthly, CONTACT - the only money transfer system, offering customers a wide range of payment services. In the office of banks operating system CONTACT, you can pay for the goods and services of about 300 organizations. This cellular and satellite communications, Internet services and IP-telephony, utilities and packages. Clients systems can repay consumer loans, deposit accounts and perform a variety of other payments.

Thus, we have chosen a system, given its scope and range of services, it can serve as an objective indicator of the quality of the work of many Russian and foreign banks.

"Today, the volume of transfers CONTACT system continues to grow, remittances are clearly and without delay. We track every transfer - says Vice President Bank "RUSSLAVBANK" (ZAO) Irina Shipilova. - Analyze calls people to support their Internet access. Number of complaints on the work of partner banks in total appeals did not exceed 0.01%. This is the standard for the number of complaints CONTACT ".

In difficult conditions prevailing in the global financial markets at the moment, bankers far abroad seriously thinking about refocusing its activities on a commission business. A money transfers and payments are one of the most rapidly developing areas of the business. Especially because customers need these services has increased steadily. And the growing popularity of CONTACT - visual confirmation. Number of people use the services provided for the ten months of 2008 exceeded 10 million. People. For comparison: in 2007 for the same period the system was 7.7 million. Clients.

And now let's summarize. It is absolutely clear that the payments and remittances have been and will be an integral part of our lives. And this means that the banks that provide these services will continue their work.

The global financial crisis, of course, influenced the situation in the Russian banking sector, but all issues can be resolved and do not threaten the stability of the Russian banking system. Unfortunately, the media often portrayed the negative information that can inflate unwarranted panic. And this, in turn, makes people ill spontaneous actions. So the main thing - keep calm and objectively evaluate the information coming from the outside. The only way you can make the right decision regarding your chosen bank.

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