пятница, 7 ноября 2014 г.

Decided to take a loan? How to increase the chance to get it?

Credit (lat. Creditum - loan from credo - believe) the provision of money or goods in the duty (to use the terms of repayment period) and, as a rule, with the payment of interest.
Decided to take a loan?
Decided to take a loan? 

Note that despite the extensive advertising, get a loan not so easy.
So, what can not be done!

1 can not be coming in for an interview at the bank, is a "poor lamb" about you probably think that you will not be able to repay the loan.

2 You can not deceive broker, bank manager (in any bank runs a serious security service, and you will learn about what you yourself have already forgotten).

3 You can not bring in the bank "cunning" documents (bought residence registration, and so on. D.)

What should I do to increase your chance of getting a loan.


1. The first person you meet in the bank - the manager. He is the first person to give your response to credit committee. So we must try to please him (her). Speak cultural, try to estimate its qualification (even if it's absolutely nothing you did not explain).

2. Show that you are quite wealthy and can buy an apartment, a commodity, make repairs without resorting to credit, but just do not want to spend that amount now.

3. To confirm your solvency you need to submit to the Bank the relevant documents (which is dependent on the requirements of the bank, it can tell you a broker who works with the bank every day).

4. Do not be lazy to collect additional documents - this is your additional warranty!

5. Your mobile phone should be available continuously. If you repeatedly can not reach from the bank - it's a reason to deny your loan.

6. To date, there is another requirement of the bank - you agree to provide information about you to the credit bureau. If you cancel your bank may refuse to grant funds.

Note the list of documents that requests tend each bank.

Required documents for the individual, the employee:
- A copy of all pages of the passport
- A copy of driver's license
- A copy of the work book (all pages), certified by the employer company with a note that the employee works for now. Signature of person attesting to the work book, and printing must be on each page. On the first page - Name (completely) and position of the person certifying the work book.
- The second document (passport, certificate FIU)
- An income statement on Form 2-PIT or in free form (possibly in the form of bank)
- If the borrower is married - a copy of the marriage certificate, passport / her spouse.

Depending on requirements, the bank may request additional documents.

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