Everyday banks receive thousands of loan applications from prospective borrowers wishing to issue a particular loan and get the money borrowed for a specific purpose. But in a dialogue with future creditors, not every customer can prove that he is able to pay the loan taken, without violating the conditions of the loan agreement. Although the low level of solvency - it is not surprising, is not the most popular reason for bank failures. After all, when considering a loan application, banks take into account other factors that, in their view, may to some extent affect the borrower's ability to repay the loan taken and accrued interest on it. So who is the ideal borrower, and who are willing to make loans to banks?
A good credit history. The ideal borrower can only be a good credit history. Banks primarily pay attention to the existence of overdue or outstanding debts, since this is a weighty reason to deny credit. If the customer has no credit history, that is, he has never paid a take a bank loan, it is unlikely that he will agree on the issue of the large long-term loan, but it can easily get credit in cash or get a small unsecured loan. This is due to the fact that the lender will be difficult to predict how a borrower will repay the loan, and he does not want to associate myself with him long-term credit agreement.
Permanent registration. Get a loan customer can only locality in which it is registered. If he has a temporary registration, the last date of repayment of the debt must be earlier than the end in term of its registration. But banks usually try not to lend to borrowers who are temporarily registered in their region.
Locations. Banks prefer to lend to customers who live in large cities and metropolitan areas (since their incomes are much higher), and not the residents of small towns and villages with high unemployment.
Income and employment. Credit institutions are trying to lend only to those customers who are employed and officially registered their relationship with the employer in accordance with the law. Bank always give preference to the borrower, which takes a high-paying positions in large and dynamically growing company, since in this case the risk of losing their jobs is minimal. And even if such employee, and falls under the abbreviation of the state, he could easily find a new job and continue the payment of the loan. The Bank believes that the best option - it's the presence of the borrower's continuous work experience in not less than 3 years. In addition, it is preferable that the client had advanced degrees, awards and personal development, as it will increase his chances of finding a new job (if it is cut, it will be able to quickly find a job).
Age. In terms of each loan program bank always indicates how many years must be the borrower that he was given credit. But there are unspoken rules that govern credit organizations in selecting potential customers: the best age to get a loan - it is 32-45 years old, as it is at this stage of their lives borrower has already acquired property, work experience and a stable income. Get a loan to the client pre-retirement or retirement age is almost impossible.
Family and children. Banks prefer to lend to customers who are in a formal marriage. In their view, such borrowers are more conscientious and binding, and therefore will always pay its debts. Preferably, the client did not have minor children, as the maintenance costs significantly reduce solvency.
Health. Under the terms of certain loan programs, the borrower will be required to insure their lives and health in favor of the bank that issued him a loan. So if he has a serious chronic disease, he or denied a loan (because the insurance company does not want to enter into a contract with him about insurance), or raise the bet. In addition, banks do not lend to people with disabilities, as they relate to the socially vulnerable segments of the population that can prevent the creditor obtain enforcement of debt in the court (if the loan is not paid on time).
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