вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

How to choose a mortgage broker?

In recent years, banks have become more demanding of their potential borrowers. Increasingly, in response to loan applications customers get unreasonable, in their opinion, the cracks. In this regard, customers try to contact the bank does not directly, but to use the services of credit brokers, collaborating with many banks and holding information on the existing credit programs.
The secret to the success of processing transactions through brokerage houses is that brokers work with multiple lenders at the same time, and they have the opportunity to pick up a client program to the maximum and she came to him, and the probability of failure in the design of the transaction was minimal.
In addition, many lenders believe that customers who are turning to brokers, not in the bank

Should I take home appliances on credit?

In society there is a stereotype about the high cost of consumer loans, but despite this fact, the borrowers of consumer loans in banks is becoming every day more and more. Credits for the design of equipment are made daily in each store. Perhaps people make out loans, while under the influence of commercials, perhaps lending - it is really the only way out for many.
In fact, the reasons why so many of consumer formalized, several. Firstly, it is the simplicity and speed of registration. Loans are made directly to the outlet so quickly that the client simply does not have time to think about all the good. Some online stores offer clearance of goods on credit for home delivery, that is, the client will not even need to go to checkout.

Should I take home appliances on credit?

In society there is a stereotype about the high cost of consumer loans, but despite this fact, the borrowers of consumer loans in banks is becoming every day more and more. Credits for the design of equipment are made daily in each store. Perhaps people make out loans, while under the influence of commercials, perhaps lending - it is really the only way out for many.
In fact, the reasons why so many of consumer formalized, several. Firstly, it is the simplicity and speed of registration. Loans are made directly to the outlet so quickly that the client simply does not have time to think about all the good. Some online stores offer clearance of goods on credit for home delivery, that is, the client will not even need to go to checkout.
Remote circuit design is very simple:

How to return merchandise purchased on credit?

Sometimes, buying in a store any thing, the buyer returns it back to the seller in connection with the failure, marriage, or simply because it does not fit. This procedure is provided for by the current legislation and practice it often enough. But what if you need to return an item purchased not for its own account, and credit? Get the answer to this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.
Current legislation described relationship between buyer and seller, as well as between the lender and the borrower. Legislative acts described in detail what rights and responsibilities are at each side. But in practice, the buyer (and the borrower in one person) to exercise their rights is difficult.
If the buyer does not accept the goods purchased on credit, it is necessary first to understand for themselves what they want -

Targeted use of credit. What is meant by this term?

Currently, consumer credit industry in our country is quite developed. Trading company, cooperating with financial institutions, lending to consumers en masse for the purchase of various durable goods. This scheme is beneficial for all parties involved: the customer immediately receives the goods in use, having the only part of the required amount, the seller receives additional commodity buyers and the bank - borrower.
To date, targeted loans - one of the most popular banking products. In the loan agreement signed with the design of the target loan clearly states what is the purpose are given credit. These loans are considered less risky than lending diversion (since acquired thing serves as collateral for the loan), so that banks charge for such transactions lowest possible rates. Purpose loans are made generally without collateral, so that in case of delay in the bank can collect from the customer receivable only in the courts.

Can I terminate the contract of guarantee?

Currently, many banks make out loans to their customers only with mandatory surety under the contract. Typically, the surety agrees to sign only the closest relatives or friends of the borrower. Despite this, many guarantors some time regret his actions.
The fact that the liability of the guarantor to the creditor no less liability of the borrower. If the borrower stops paying on the loan, and the bank is unable to recover from his debts, he switched to the surety, which is required to calculate the debt with a stranger. If the principal does not agree or are not able to pay the debt, the lender can recover it through the courts, including the expense of the property of the guarantor.
In addition, the current legislation provides for a procedure of translation

What to do with credit, which did not take?

In the past few years, quite often there are situations where a person for no reason, no reason to phone call some strange people and need to pay the debt on the loan (though it is not made any loans at all).
This situation itself is not normally allowed. Even if the caller explained that no loan was not formalized, they will still continue to call and demand money. If these calls began, then clearly you need to clarify exactly what the representatives of the bank calls and send to the department to find out what was wrong.
The reasons for such calls may be several. The easiest and most popular option - Incorrect phone number when you make the borrower a loan at the bank.

How to take credit for the farmer?

For people working in the agricultural sector who need to buy any equipment, facilities, seeds, fertilizers, supplies in case of shortage of own funds may use the offer of one of the banks for lending to farmers sufficiently favorable terms.

To operate successfully, any farm should be certain resources, including financial, technical, technological and so on. On. But according to statistics one third of all farms operating in our mills, the needs far exceed the financial possibilities. Currently, bank loans can be a real salvation of such farms. After all, in order to receive a loan at the bank, the borrower does not require any supernatural documents, and in many cases - even in the form of collateral security.

In order to begin to engage in agribusiness, you need to have a certain starting base in the form of the fleet, equipment and financial capacity to buy some supplies for their activities. Generally, financial issues in this sector, as in others, are solved by bringing the resources of commercial banks.

The agricultural sector of the economy like no other in need of financial support on the part of commercial banks and the state. The features of this industry is seasonal revenue, the continuity of the production process, the dependence on external factors (weather conditions, for example).

The main problem is the lack of funds in the agricultural industry of today is practically solved, as most banks do not offer long-term loans to representatives of the sector due to the high level of risk associated with non-return of loan funds.

Due to the high risk, banks are trying to make out loans to farms with an interest rate relative to other corporate loans and additional collateral in the form of collateral or guarantees from third parties. The weighted average interest rate on agricultural loans in our country is 19 per annum.

Despite all the difficulties, the statistics say about the growth of the number of agricultural loans in the last period. So, last year they executed a third more than before last. This suggests a gradual increase in the level of confidence of banks in relation to agricultural producers.

Some banks have partner lending program of the agricultural sector, developed in conjunction with the distribution companies. Under such programs, customers are offered the available credit resources arising in connection with reaching agreement creditor supplier of goods.

Affiliate program, depending on the particular client can be performed at different conditions for different customers. Affiliate programs allow customers to take advantage of the following benefits:
- Lowering the interest rate on the loan;
- Maximum loan term to 5 years;
- A flexible season schedule of payment;
- Flexible contract terms, an individual approach to each client;
- Execution of credit secured by equipment, property, vehicles, etc.

It turns out that banks are still lending to the agricultural sector. And the information that the farmers are not lending, is not true. Banks are actively implementing various affiliate programs, develop new lending terms, so that customers have to choose from.

воскресенье, 16 ноября 2014 г.

How and where to get a loan to buy the garage?

Almost all banks have loan programs for the purchase of a car loan. After purchasing the car, a man thinks about where it is stored. And if the money to buy cars for cash from the client was not, then certainly on their garage, and a fortiori not be.
Turns out, real enough to issue a credit for the purchase of a garage in the bank, however, must immediately be ready for the additional conditions imposed by the bank in relation to the borrower and to the garage. For example, a loan may be purchased only, garage, are privately owned. That is a cooperative garage purchase for bank funds will come as no such purchase of property rights does not, but only provides an opportunity to join the cooperative.
In the case when the borrower wants to build their own garage at the expense of credit, it is also likely refuse. Fabricated metal garage or storage box cars banks lend without problems.
Before you apply for the loan processing to acquire a garage, you need to prepare a package of documents consisting of a registration certificate, state certificate of land, as well as a certificate from the BTI.
Most banks do not have independent credit programs for lending garages. But there are other credit products, allowing to use the borrowed money to buy a garage. Firstly, you can use a standard mortgage. The maximum loan amount is not more than 75% of the purchase price. The interest rate on such loans will be at a level of about 17 per annum.
When you make a loan to buy an apartment in a newly built house, many banks make out an additional loan for the purchase of a garage in the same complex.
If no mortgage program client does not fit, you can issue the usual consumer credit in cash and send the proceeds to purchase a garage. Collateral for such a loan may make any property belonging to the client, or vehicles. In this case, the client can receive a loan for the full cost of the garage.
Experts recommend that customers who do not have enough to buy a small amount of the garage, not to issue targeted cash loans. However, these loan schemes are not always profitable. After all, the interest rate on consumer credit mismanagement sometimes reaches 50 or more per annum. The maximum period of validity of such a contract will not exceed 3 years.
If the cost of the garage is not high (no more than 5 thousand dollars), you can get a credit card with a limit set on it. In the most advanced domestic banks have recently emerged of the "garage mortgage." This program allows you to get credit lending, both in rubles and in foreign currency for the period to 50 years. The loan amount will not exceed 70% of the price of the garage.
Usually a mortgage on the garage at the same time make out with a mortgage on an apartment. In this case the customer a choice of ground or underground garage complex. A readiness garage in this case plays no role.
Operating in our country law "On mortgage" includes such loan programs, but despite this, "garage mortgage" in domestic banks while rather unusual. By law, the garage is private property, is a complete property and, therefore, subject to mortgage for lending.

суббота, 15 ноября 2014 г.

Payment of the loan through the terminal

Every person who has issued a bank loan, should know that borrowers can pay the loan through the terminal, and not only at the box office of the bank. This is a very convenient way to pay off the bank. Since payment terminals are now installed in all public places and for a monthly payment of debt is not necessary to go to the bank. You can go out literally 10 minutes at lunchtime in the nearest supermarket and pay all there.
But despite the huge advantage of this method of payment in a number of significant drawbacks.
Firstly, the money paid by the terminal does not always fall on the same day to account, and, secondly, in all terminals provided commission. Members of payment terminals in our country today is not so much. Russians have become accustomed to them and look, realizing payment in bank branches, in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
If the loan is paid in cash the same bank where it was issued, no commission will be. On the bill will do exactly the amount that was transferred to the cashier. And here is the terminal for their services will take an average of 2 to 4% of the amount transferred.
Because of the Commission, the Russians are trying to use the terminals only in extreme cases. As a rule, so pay only for small loans where the payment amount is not large, and therefore, the Commission will be insignificant.
As for the payment technology through the terminal, then it is easy. So, to pay the loan through the terminal Qiwi, you just need to click on the screen to show "loan repayments", choose your bank from the list, enter the contract number and insert money into terminal. What could be simpler? The maximum amount that can be sent through the terminal on one bill for one day is 29 th. Rubles, which is sufficient for most taxpayers.
Some people do not enjoy at all terminals of the commission, and because of possible technical failures. And I must say, not unreasonably. Despite the fact that the payment terminal is performed for a few seconds, the money account may enter several days. If the customer makes the payment amount on the last day of the contract, he has no time to pay it on time, the loan delinquency occurs, and the bank may impose a penalty. The bank will hardly listen to stories about how "angry terminal" untimely transferred the money where it should.
Sometimes the situation is even more sad, and money to the account did not arrive. Naturally, the client believes that the loan is paid (the receipt is, the payment is made with a stock over time), and the bank, not seeing the money starts to penalize the customer for failure to fulfill obligations. So it is necessary to keep receipts. Then it will be possible to prove that the payment was made on time, the truth will be on the side of the payer.

How to avoid the debt on the loan?

Quite often life prepares us unpleasant surprises. In particular this applies to borrowers who have at times there are circumstances when there is nothing to pay the debt to the bank. Causes of delinquency on the loan can be mass, and job loss, and illness and death of family members, and other life disasters.
To get out of this situation with the least possible losses, should be guided by certain rules.
Firstly, if the loan is issued against collateral of any property in the event of difficulties in payments, you can try to implement the pledge. If we are talking about collateral car or other personal property, for its implementation, as a rule, does not leave much time. If we are talking about the mortgage, the sale of the apartment (and even more so - at home) can take many months. And all this time will continue to accrue interest (in the case of delay - and even fines).
There are banks that are in a similar situation trying to meet conscious customers (if he agrees to the realization of collateral), and he did not accrue interest, penalties, and do not apply any sanctions in connection with the delay. But the interest will have to pay anyway.
Worse things with unsecured loans. Then it will come to trial, or to the amount of recovery from the guarantor (if the contract surety was provided).
Some borrowers in distress, trying to close the loan with funds borrowed by friends or relatives. However, this method of controlling the debt is possible only in the case when there is one borrow.
If the borrower is unable to cope with the debt nor myself, nor shared with friends and relatives, banks sometimes offer debt restructuring. This scheme applies only to cases of delay sound (if the customer can prove a documented fact of illness or job loss).
In addition to restructuring, refinancing is possible at another financial institution to a more loyal conditions or for a longer period to reduce the monthly payments. But refinancing and restructuring are not mass banking products. This means that in each case the bank will consider the application and make a decision on an individual basis. Surely, the lender to the borrower will meet only if the latter certain rules or certain conditions.
In practice, banks often go to meet those borrowers who have not previously observed problems with payments. In addition to debt restructuring is necessary that the borrower has had a clear plan of action, which would be understandable due to what sources he intends to extinguish the loan in the future.
If a customer goes to a bank for a debt restructuring, as a rule, its history is thoroughly checked employees Sat. And in identifying the slightest suspicion of fraud, the client will be denied and the case to the court or other law enforcement agencies.
Even with the restructuring of the loan, the client may subsequently regret such actions, because the fact of the restructuring will be recorded in the credit history. In the future, if you wish to issue another loan, a person may be denied due to the restructuring of the past.
Although recently the leadership of many banks are quite loyal to clients who have experienced restructuring. Especially if as a result of the loan was repaid in a timely manner without any complications.

What are the penalties for late payments?

Making a loan, the borrower pre-conscious thinks about the penalties applied by the bank in case of delay. Less consciously - are starting to think about this for once, this is the delay occurs.

Applying to various kinds of sanctions prosrochnikam banks following internal regulations and conditions of the contract with the client, at times, even without notifying the customer on their application. As a result, the client who is late in paying for a few days, may be stunned the amount of declared him the debt. Sometimes banks manage to penalties apply additional penalties. As a result, the duty of the client to the bank increases in geometric progression, beginning, in fact, with the nonsense.

In connection with this fact quite often there are lawsuits from borrowers to banks wrongfully accrued huge penalties for trivial breach of contract. Due to the frequent appeals of citizens, in 2010, the SAC was ruled that actions of banks in relation to the imposition of fines on illegal borrowers. This decision was somewhat discouraged bankers. Because in fact it means the abolition of any responsibility for the failure of the borrower of the loan agreement.

It turns out that the lender has no right to penalize the defaulter, and at each delay should immediately go to court to resolve the issue of repayment. Naturally, the borrowers will have a resistance to the creditor, giving counterclaims that significantly complicate the work of the judiciary. And of course, the scammers will rush to take advantage of a loophole that appears in the domestic legislation. And the judges have to understand where the scammers, and where did the borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation.

It turns out that the solution YOU promoted replacement of poles: if before the banks tried to get profits out of the conceivable penalties, it is now strongly borrowers evade repayment of loans, using emerged privileges. It turns out that the desire to protect ordinary borrowers led to the mess in the credit market.

Our legislation and so far from perfect, but these changes did not only not improve, but adds to the confusion in the relationship between lenders and borrowers. Indeed, changes in the law did not affect the content of the already signed an agreement that provided for fines. And, in case of breach of contract, the borrower they still have to pay, just collect them may have in court (ie, the lender will pay more and court costs, which ultimately will still fall on the shoulders of the client). And someone from this easier?

In fact, if a customer made a late payment for a good reason and will appeal to the bank with a request not to charge fines, pledging to repay the loan, the bank, thanks to the current law, will meet the client is much more likely (because the prospect of trials unlikely to please the management of the bank, the more that customer offers to repay the debt, albeit without penalties).

Naturally, the bank can not go to meet the customer (in fact, he signed a contract and, therefore, agreed with the penalty). But in this case, too, there is an opportunity not to pay the fine (although it will have to recognize the illegal actions of the bank on its chargeable).

Should I act as a guarantor on the loan?

Many are faced with requests to friends or relatives to vouch for them in the bank. And in most cases, people do not know how to respond to such requests. On the one hand, refusing to friends, and especially family, is not very convenient. On the other hand, the guarantor, in fact, takes the responsibility on someone else's loan. Besides the bank, requiring a guarantor, obviously doubts about the solvency of the borrower.

Request for sponsorship is very often the cause of damaged relations in the family or in the company. So many self-preservation instinct loses fear of resentment on the part of someone close, and they agree to sign a contract of guarantee. Some guarantors and did consider his signature on the contract as the fulfillment of certain formalities, so sign the contract, it is not even really explored. And it is in vain, for in the contract of guarantee shall include all basic rights, and most importantly - the duties of the guarantor, under which a person puts his signature.

Consider what information the surety must necessarily clarify before signing the contract. To start with the concepts. Guarantor is a person (it can be not only physically, but also legal), fully shares the responsibility of the borrower to the lender under the contract. That is, in case of delay, admitted by the borrower, the guarantor is obliged to pay for his credit, together with default interest, penalties and interest.

Of course, the bank is advantageous to issue loans with guarantees, because in this case the chances of repayment of borrowings increase significantly. Demand, they can not at one face, and with two (if guarantors more, with 3, 4, etc.)

Experts say that the panic is not necessary to be afraid of guarantee. Just before you accept and sign the contract, you need to think things through properly and to examine the conditions of the contract. The main risks for the surety associated with the inability of the borrower to pay the loan (this may be due to illness, loss of livelihood, and even death) or banal reluctance (of course everything depends on the person). Before you sign the contract, the surety recommend, first, fully familiar with the terms of the contract, from the amount of the loan and interest rates, ending the penalties for delay. Sussed credit conditions, future guarantor must imagine the worst case scenario and determine pull it this loan from the financial side or not.

Secondly, you should try to gather as much information about the borrower. Especially it concerns the case when it comes to the future surety merely acquaintances. Of course, for such a friend is better not charge at all, but if you have no other choice, you should at least know where he lives, he works, he has a ton of property and. D. Of a surety for long-term loan for a large amount, the person may seriously undermine the financial position of their own and their family. So it is worth doing only in the most extreme case. If a person decided on a long-term guarantee on more debt, it is worth considering how the property can take advantage of the bank in the future to meet their requirements. Perhaps there is something to renew the relatives.

Quite frequent cases when management asks employees to vouch for the loan. Perhaps this is one of the most unpleasant situations. Failure may lead to dismissal, and consent - to ruin. Such is the dilemma turns. In this situation, everyone must decide for themselves. The main thing - to use common sense and do not allow to put pressure on myself.

How to Get express loan online or by phone?

Loans can be a very convenient solution for people facing some financial difficulties. Moreover, if you need money urgently, pay your attention to the express loan through the internet. Such loans may be made available for a short time, thus, the loan is usually small. Contents term loan, you can not only directly in the banking department, but also through the Internet or by calling agency staff on the phone. After the bank's employees will positive verdict on a loan urgently, then, again, on the phone will alert the customer of his decision, and then ask him to visit the bank.

In general, term loans, made out in the online format, were created in order to save time and money on the commission of bank employees. But do not forget that when you make a quick loan in a bank customer presence is necessary in any case. After all, he needs his hand to sign a contract for a rapid loan. This means that even if the bank decided to give you a loan on the phone, it still will not send you the money by mail. Information about giving you rapid credit appear on a Web page, so that the client can personally meet with the terms of its design, the size of the down payment, the credit rate and other conditions.

Nuances of obtaining express loan

To make an express loan, you simply need to call the bank on the phone, and then wait until you contact the bank staff. They who will explain all the details of a Term Loan. Official website of any bank shall contain information about such services. Express loans with an online registration account for any income customer, including all family members. Payment kreditozaemschik picks independently. Better draw term loan in those banks that have already proved themselves as responsible and reliable partner. The reputation of the bank is easy to check by the presence of various awards in the financial categories.

If your nominee meets the basic requirements of the bank, the loan application procedure is not difficult. For this, the borrower must be at least 17 years of age and must not be greater than 70. In addition, each bank varies this rule and adjusts it for yourself. Work experience in the workbook must be at least three months. Get a loan can be through bank branches, ATMs and cash desks. Pay attention to the commission of the bank terminals to which services you resort.

What you should know before you place your express loan

You must weigh the "pros" and "cons". Certainly pay attention to such an important time as the loan amount. Just a balanced approach to their needs. In no case do not take more money than you need. Discard the loan at all, if in doubt about its ability to repay it. Remember that the interest and penalties in quick loans are increasing exponentially.

Not important enough to read the terms of the contract. Certainly, it is difficult to understand all the nuances and subtleties without a qualified lawyer, but key terms, such as the interest rate, penalties, length of loan and other things you should know in order not to become a lifelong debtor.

In any case never sent over the network their access codes and passwords to the system. And remember that you should not transmit to outsiders and their instruments.

Certainly consider similar programs of other banks, match conditions by rapid credit. Maybe in another bank, you can get a loan at a lower interest rate.

Before you start processing the loan, carefully plan the dates when you will be most convenient to repay bank debt. This should be done to avoid further large monetary losses.

If you are pretty sure that the loan you need, examined all the conditions of its design, feel free to order by phone express loan. And after a short time you will get the loan without any red tape.

After a telephone conversation with the staff of the bank and discuss the possibility to get a loan, you must fill out an application for an urgent loan. For this, it is useful to know which mode is usually the procedure.

Standard application contains the required fields, where the borrower writes all personal data: date of birth, full name, gender, nationality, passport number, and other activities. If you arrange the loan in Express format, the lender may require you email address and additional phone numbers.

Necessarily indicate the preferred type of loan and the amount of their monthly income. Note that the type of loan is determined by the credit programs, which the bank provides for the moment. Loan application, furnished through the Internet, allow further analyze banking deals and choose the best for credit.

What to look for in the loan agreement?

It's not a big problem to issue the credit, but his right to review and understand all points of the credit agreement can not in any way due to the lack of legal and financial literacy of our citizens. Taking into account the fact that the contract offered by banks constitute competent lawyer, you can rest assured that they have taken into account every detail to make the agreement more favorable to the bank.

What points should be especially careful:

Interest rate. Most borrowers are paying great attention to this point, stopping the choice on that loan, which implies a lower interest rate. How do different? It turns out that things are not so simple. Must be able to truly "count between the lines." Employees of banks like mask different "little things" that are gradually increased to the borrower on the loan. For example: bank fee for account maintenance can be considered as the size of the original loan, without reducing as debt repayment; one-time fee for a loan also increases the interest rate.

Property liability in case of delay in repayment of loan debt, the failure of other duties (specify exactly what is meant by "other duties" - for example, change of residence or work).

Fees and other commissions. Looking through the contract, many people do not reach or pass this point, but in vain. It is necessary to clarify what is included in these payments. Often this requirement for insurance, fees for the examination of documents, payment of loan repayment cashless payments; Penalty for early payment of the loan.

In summary, we note that the treaty should be read in its entirety, making it clear to all bank employee unclear points. If there is a suspicion that the deal will not work on their own, you can seek help from a professional counselor. It's better to pay once for a specialist service, than to feel cheated.

For how long more profitable to take a bank loan?

If you have a need to take a bank loan, you need to determine not only the amount that you are going to borrow from the bank, but with the term, which will need you as the borrower to repay the loan.

At first glance, the question of the maturity of the loan is not as important, because in the foreground stands the borrower to implement their plans, so he takes care to minimize the risk of failure to fund it on a credit application. To do this, the client collects the documents determined the loan amount, the method of cashing it. However, the definition of the term loan - instant fundamentally important and crucial because it determines not only the financial burden on the payer in the coming months or years, but the amount of the overpayment for the loan. Correctly determine for what period the debt will be repaid - easy, given the highlights of credit risks.

Lending period is the time between the date of receipt of the loan and the maturity date of the loan, together with interest. Many payers believe that the redistribution of payments for a long time is more convenient, as you will need to pay a monthly lower amount, and for the family budget this burden becomes too noticeable. Other clients, on the contrary, believe that to get rid of the burdensome debt should as quickly as possible and are willing to pay the full amount immediately, "tightening the belt" and minimize their consumption. Both positions are extreme and have their downsides. It should take into account the time that the interest rate on the loan increases with the period of its maturity. On the other hand, trying to determine the minimum period of the loan, the client does not expose you to cope with its tasks. In the end, it risks to enter the late, spoil your credit history.

The stated amount of the loan banks grant, usually for a period of months to 5 years - it depends on the proposed lending program. Defining the maturity of the debt, the bank takes into account what the monthly payment may make the customer without significant damage to its traditional way of life. Typically, this amount does not exceed 40% of the monthly earnings of the client. In some cases delivery can be established, in the amount of 50-60% of the average monthly income of the family.

If your salary, for example, the 40 th. Rubles, the monthly payment on your loan will be determined in the amount of 16 thousand. Rubles. Suppose the bank lent to the borrower 160 thousand. Rubles. Dividing this amount by the monthly payment, obtain the optimal loan term - 10 months. But keep in mind also that it is necessary not only to return the loan, but the interest on it, as well as various commissions. So pay 16 thousand. Rubles have not 10 months and longer. Therefore, you will be advised to specify as the loan repayment period is 1 year, if not more.

If a customer expresses a wish to reduce the size of monthly payments, then this period will have to increase. However, as has been said, with the increase of the crediting period and increases the amount that the bank will have to pay a premium for the service.

If the client specifies the minimum term of the loan, in order to minimize overpayments, the bank may consider it risky borrower and even to refuse registration of the loan. For this reason it is best to specify in the application the optimal number. If the borrower will be free money, he can pay off your debt ahead of schedule, in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the contract.

The most popular myths about cash loans

If 5-7 years ago, bank lending was more designed for legal entities, over the last few years the situation has changed dramatically and the banks have to lend to people massively program of consumer loans. And the greatest popularity received a cash loan by which a borrower can obtain a sufficiently large sum of money for any purpose, without any collateral, guarantors or documents confirming income. But despite the fact that many customers have already evaluated the profitability of the banking product, there are at least three common myths about credit in cash, which actually have nothing to do with reality.

Myth 1. Get a cash loan is a snap. As you know, banks are positioning consumer loan without collateral and guarantors, as the most affordable loan. But this is just an advertising ploy that is needed to attract new potential customers. The fact that a loan for such a program, in theory, quite easy, you just have to give only a few identification documents. But in fact, if the bank has no comprehensive information on the borrower and his income, he can not properly assess its financial condition. And therefore, if the lender will at least some doubt as to whether the borrower pays the debt, he would prefer to deny credit. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that banks often refuse to issue a credit solvent and quite conscientious borrowers. So get credit in cash from the first time may not be possible even in well-reputed client.

Myth 2. If a bank goes bankrupt, you will not have to repay the loan. This is not so! Even if the bank completely cease operations, it will be the transferee that a borrower will repay the debt. Furthermore, in case of his bankruptcy or liquidation, the credit institution may sell loans outstanding collection agency. So give the loan and accrued interest to the client will have to anyway.

Myth 3. If the borrower can not repay the loan in cash, the bank immediately submits it to the court or give a debt collection agency. The main goal of any credit institution - a profit in the long run. And when you consider that the interest on the loan - it is the main source of income of the bank, it is quite natural that the creditor is primarily interested in the fact that the borrower pays the debt for the entire loan period. Therefore, if the client have difficulty with repayment, the bank is required to go to meet him, offer debt restructuring or even vacation credit. Lawsuits in the courts, the sale of debt collectors - this is an extreme and highly unpopular measure, which is used only in respect of non-payers.

What does it cost to check with the bank employee when applying for a loan?

If you need money for future expenses, you want to buy new appliances or making repairs in the apartment, then quickly solve all your temporary financial problems by using the unsecured bank loan - a loan in cash, which, depending on the conditions of the program, you can get a term up to 5 years without collateral or guarantors. But is it easy to apply? Indeed, despite the availability of this type of loan, borrowers inevitably arises the same question: how to choose a profitable cash loan and savings when it paid? So if you want to get credit for the most optimal conditions for themselves, you should know what it is worth asking the bank employee.

1. How much will have to overpay when paying the loan? Of course, it is impossible to find a credit program in which you do not overpay on redemption of debt. But try to reduce the amount of future expenses for lending you quite capable. If you compare the terms of several loans, in order to select the most favorable credit, enough to ask the loan officer how much you overpay when it is extinguished. The lower the value of this index, the more you'll save money when paying.

2. Can I pay the debt ahead of schedule, and whether there is a penalty for? Cash loan refers to the "expensive" banking products, but significantly reduce your expenses, you can in that case, if the payment of the loan ahead of schedule. Although here too there are some nuances. Firstly, to repay large sums of benefit only under the condition that the prepayment bank does not charge additional fees. And, secondly, if credit conditions do not provide for any penalties, the bank may establish a moratorium for a period of 6-12 months for early payment of debt. Therefore, when choosing a credit program should pay special attention to this issue.

3. What are the insurance companies running the bank? The lender has the right to demand from the borrower that he insured his life, health or ability to work in one of the accredited insurance companies. But if you are not given the right of choice, citing the fact that the bank is working with only one insurance company, you'd better give up the credit, since such actions - a gross violation of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition" (you can even make a complaint Federal Antimonopoly Service). Better to choose a bank that works with several insurance companies, as in this case, you will be able to compare their current rates, and to take out insurance on more favorable terms.

4. Can I make payments on the loan cashless way through another bank? It is possible that you eat on a business trip, will move to live in another city, or simply you will not have time to call in the bank in which you arrange the loan to make regular monthly payment. Therefore, in order "not to draw on" the penalties, it is better to pay the loan at the box office of any other financial institution cashless. Ask the loan officer, can I pay the loan in the bank side, which the commission provides for such an operation and details on what it should do.

5. For what else, besides the accrued interest and fees, you have to pay? In accordance with applicable laws governing the activities of credit institutions, the bank has no right to demand from the borrower, so he paid for his services to those who do not have any relation to credit. But many lenders "forget" about the norm of law, effectively forcing borrowers to pay for the opening or maintenance of additional banking products are not associated with lending. Ask the bank officer, for what else you have to pay, and if it turns out that in order to receive a loan in cash you will be required to pay for the service is absolutely unnecessary to you current account or card, it is better to abandon such a loan program.

Get a loan without collateral and guarantors simple enough, but to choose profitable and convenient loan program can not every borrower. If you make every effort not too lazy to ask questions loan officer will consider all possible nuances and become familiar with the loan agreement before signing it, you can save considerably on receipt and payment of cash loan.

How to save when paying cash loan?

Despite the fact that the cash loan is considered one of the most expensive banking products, you can use it quickly enough to get a large sum of money without providing collateral and guarantees. But what if you make a mistake when choosing a program and get credit for not entirely favorable terms? The obvious answer is to try to save it with the payment, the more that is quite possible. To do this is to adhere to the following rules.

Repay ahead of schedule. The faster you repay the loan, the less you will pay the bank interest for its use. So in your best interest to repay the loan ahead of schedule, making payments, the amount of which will be at least 20-30% more, if you can not fully prepay debt. But do not forget that under the 'creditor may specify the terms and procedure for such payments (for example, a bank may establish a moratorium on such repayment for a period of 1-6 months, or you can prepay the loan only when you make monthly payments). Perhaps prepayment bank will charge an additional fee or charge penalty interest, so before you advance to "close" the loan or part of it, read the terms of the program. Although most of the loans can be repaid large sums without any sanction from the creditors, which is beneficial for the borrowers.

Change your insurance company. It is possible that under the terms of the loan you are required annually to insure their lives and health in one of the accredited bank insurance companies. But no one can compel you to work with only one insurer, so you have every right to compare the rates of all accredited insurance companies and choose the most economical and profitable option. If you take out a cash loan for a period of more than 12 months, do not be lazy in the following year, when they are due to issue a new insurance contract, see the list of proposed insurance companies (bank may accredit the new insurers, whose cooperation would be more beneficial for you) . So you can save on payment of insurance premiums, and, consequently, on the payment of the loan.

Do not violate the conditions of the loan agreement. If you have at least a few days late with the introduction of the mandatory monthly payment, you risk even more to increase the amount of overpayment on the loan. Under the terms of many unsecured credit programs to unscrupulous borrowers apply very tough sanctions, which translates into additional costs of lending. After all, the late payment immediately begin to accrue interest and penalty interest, thereby significantly increasing the total overpayment rate on the loan. So, for example, a small unpaid time delivery within a few days of delay may increase 2 or even 3 times, and the borrower will still be obliged to pay it. So if you do not want to debts "from scratch", then carefully observe the conditions of the loan agreement and make timely payments.

Engage in lending. To repay the loan, which was received by a large percentage, you can receive a loan in cash or any other unsecured loan. It is beneficial in the event that the current prepay the loan you can without penalty, and the difference in the effective rate between loans is not less than 2%. But do not forget that refinancing - is, in fact, the design of the new loan, which means that you have to re-submit the loan application to receive it and completely go through the whole approval procedure. But if it helps you to save at least part of the proceeds on redemption of debt, you should not refuse this opportunity.

Even if you select a program you do not pay due attention to the proposed conditions of lending and are now forced to repay the expensive loans for you, do not worry about it. If you try to pay off the loan early, choose a more advantageous for you the insurer will not be late with the introduction of monthly payments, and if necessary even prefer lending, you can avoid unnecessary costs and significant savings in the payment of the debt.

Pitfalls of the credit agreement

Regardless of the type of program, the availability of collateral or guarantee, loan only after mutual signing of the loan agreement - the main document, which aims to regulate the relationship between the borrower and the bank that issued him a loan for the entire loan period. But such an agreement can be fraught with many dangers. In accordance with its terms, for what gets kreditoderzhatel borrow a certain amount of funds, it must take on certain responsibilities. But the bank that issued the credit, by contrast, gets only the rights and opportunities, through which it can monitor its borrower. But to give up part of obligations after signing the loan agreement the client is unlikely to succeed: to create such documents by experienced lawyers, so any appeal against his points in court almost unreal. But to make changes (negotiable loan) client also fail: banks never revise the terms of contracts and do not make them any amendments, which are asked to borrowers. Thus, customers are essentially forced to take out loans on the terms that they offer banks, even knowing that it can be extremely unpleasant consequences for them. But not all contracts are standardized. Some banks, using the fact that not all potential borrowers bother to fully read given them credit for the signature of the contract, complement them more dangerous items that give creditors and without more power. Therefore it is better to feed a bank loan application read this document and draw attention to it such items.

Conditions of early termination. The Bank has the right to dictate the terms on which it may request to terminate the contract. In this case, the borrower will be required to repay the loan as soon as possible (from 10 to 30 days of receipt of the notice), together with accrued interest, fees, fines, penalties, etc. But should carefully review the terms and conditions under which the lender has the right to use this opportunity. The fact is that many borrowers assume that the item bank credit agreement may apply only in respect of non-executive or malicious debtors kreditoderzhateley to make payments out of time. But the contract may specify other reasons, which are the reason for early termination of the contract:
- Failure to inform of change of place of registration;
- Failure to inform of changes in financial position (changing jobs, lower wages, etc.);
- Failure to inform about changes in family status (conclusion or dissolution of marriage, birth of children, adoption, etc.);
- Overdue insurance;
- The conclusion of the insurance contract with the non-accredited bank insurance companies, etc.

Of course, in most cases, banks use similar items of the loan agreement to the borrower only to discipline and to oblige him to tell him about all the changes in his life, which may affect the payment of the loan (usually bankers themselves remind customers of such need). But if the lender set a goal to prepay the loan (for example, it will terminate its activities and wants to maximize the "close" all credit obligations), then click on the early termination of giving him that opportunity. In turn, the borrower may challenge the decision in court, arguing that his main task - is the payment of the loan, and he successfully deal with it. But in order to avoid unnecessary costs and save your time and nerves, it is better not to issue a loan for which will have to sign a contract in which there are points of its early termination.

Banking costs. Under the terms of the loan agreement the borrower can take on not only the costs of registration and payment of the loan, and the bank and any costs associated with lending. For example, if a client wants to sue the creditor, it will be obliged to pay all his expenses on legal support. In turn, if the bank will seek repayment through the courts, the borrower would also have to assume all the costs associated with litigation, and then the same with the inventory of his property. The law regulating banking activities, is not clearly marked amount of costs that the lender can "hang" on the client, so the payment can be set absolutely any amount, the amount of which may even be several times the amount of the debt on the loan. And to appeal this item is not subject to the credit agreement, therefore, not to be in such a situation, it is better to refuse to cooperate with the bank that offers credit for such conditions.

Executive inscription notary. In the case of secured lending is better to refrain from signing the loan agreement, under which the bank can recover the mortgaged property to the debtor by the executive notary. Guided by this paragraph, the bank can recover the debt without resorting to the courts, contrary to the interests of the borrower. So better not confer such power bank, giving him the right at any time to take a pledge for the loan. Appeal the executive inscription notary in court will be very difficult.

The loan agreement can conceal other dangers. So before signing should consult with a lawyer or mortgage broker to help sort out all the paragraphs of this document and identify its pitfalls.

To the banks are more willing to make loans or a portrait of the ideal borrower

Everyday banks receive thousands of loan applications from prospective borrowers wishing to issue a particular loan and get the money borrowed for a specific purpose. But in a dialogue with future creditors, not every customer can prove that he is able to pay the loan taken, without violating the conditions of the loan agreement. Although the low level of solvency - it is not surprising, is not the most popular reason for bank failures. After all, when considering a loan application, banks take into account other factors that, in their view, may to some extent affect the borrower's ability to repay the loan taken and accrued interest on it. So who is the ideal borrower, and who are willing to make loans to banks?

A good credit history. The ideal borrower can only be a good credit history. Banks primarily pay attention to the existence of overdue or outstanding debts, since this is a weighty reason to deny credit. If the customer has no credit history, that is, he has never paid a take a bank loan, it is unlikely that he will agree on the issue of the large long-term loan, but it can easily get credit in cash or get a small unsecured loan. This is due to the fact that the lender will be difficult to predict how a borrower will repay the loan, and he does not want to associate myself with him long-term credit agreement.

Permanent registration. Get a loan customer can only locality in which it is registered. If he has a temporary registration, the last date of repayment of the debt must be earlier than the end in term of its registration. But banks usually try not to lend to borrowers who are temporarily registered in their region.

Locations. Banks prefer to lend to customers who live in large cities and metropolitan areas (since their incomes are much higher), and not the residents of small towns and villages with high unemployment.

Income and employment. Credit institutions are trying to lend only to those customers who are employed and officially registered their relationship with the employer in accordance with the law. Bank always give preference to the borrower, which takes a high-paying positions in large and dynamically growing company, since in this case the risk of losing their jobs is minimal. And even if such employee, and falls under the abbreviation of the state, he could easily find a new job and continue the payment of the loan. The Bank believes that the best option - it's the presence of the borrower's continuous work experience in not less than 3 years. In addition, it is preferable that the client had advanced degrees, awards and personal development, as it will increase his chances of finding a new job (if it is cut, it will be able to quickly find a job).

Age. In terms of each loan program bank always indicates how many years must be the borrower that he was given credit. But there are unspoken rules that govern credit organizations in selecting potential customers: the best age to get a loan - it is 32-45 years old, as it is at this stage of their lives borrower has already acquired property, work experience and a stable income. Get a loan to the client pre-retirement or retirement age is almost impossible.

Family and children. Banks prefer to lend to customers who are in a formal marriage. In their view, such borrowers are more conscientious and binding, and therefore will always pay its debts. Preferably, the client did not have minor children, as the maintenance costs significantly reduce solvency.

Health. Under the terms of certain loan programs, the borrower will be required to insure their lives and health in favor of the bank that issued him a loan. So if he has a serious chronic disease, he or denied a loan (because the insurance company does not want to enter into a contract with him about insurance), or raise the bet. In addition, banks do not lend to people with disabilities, as they relate to the socially vulnerable segments of the population that can prevent the creditor obtain enforcement of debt in the court (if the loan is not paid on time).

How can I get a loan for an hour?

Advertisement "credit hour" sometimes its appeal, often confusing potential customers of the bank, putting them in an awkward situation later. Today, numerous advertising of banking products accompanies us at every step, literally giving yourself properly analyze the advantages of the product and its feasibility. A similar pattern is observed in the region of the so-called fast loans.

Different variants of fast loans

The situation first. Similar offers bank granting the loan fast probable at the time of the respective shares of the bank. In order to really understand the nature of this action, it is necessary not only to refer to the seen or heard advertising, but also personally visit the banking institution. The concept of fast loan or credit hour, many banks are interpreted in their own way, and an indication of the period allotted for a loan, does not mean speed of action. If a citizen of a desire to quickly get a loan using another bank's advertising campaign, it does not mean that in an hour, two client will receive the money on hand.

Today, among the many banks that announced the possibility of providing instant loans, a huge amount. Going on a publicity stunt, the banks do not aim to create the most favorable service for the customer, and simply as possible to attract customers. Typically, in this situation, the client application for a loan is considered fast for one to five days. The loan amount for such a program will not exceed 100 thousand. Rubles. Despite the statement, the bank speed of processing the loan, with the client may require a complete set of documents, including the income statement. Without income clients at risk of failure or even get comfortable with high credit interest rate on the loan.

Situation Two. In a further embodiment, the client may face a sentence bank to issue the credit within the next hour or two. In such situations, banks really play with the client roulette. Procedure countdown starts with a meeting with a client bank employees. If the entire application procedure will keep within the time specified, the client will receive a loan and can safely dispose of a couple of hours the money. If employees of the bank will not be able to issue the credit within the specified time, the client receives a loan with a lower credit rate, or in addition to the loan, any bonus.

Before you ask the bank instant credit worth on the phone to check whether the actual offer of the bank and whether it operates at the moment. Seeing on the billboard-like action, citizens rarely finish before the end of all that is written on it. Usually the conditions and terms of the action are written in small letters and in remote places. We need to find a bank clerk in addition to the conditions of the campaign, the required documents.

The usual interest rate on such loans is 25-27% per annum. All terms and conditions of credit, term of the loan, the terms of early repayment and the necessary documents are directly dependent on the size of the resulting sum. In some cases, the size of the loan amount on quick loans do not exceed 150-200 thousand. Rubles. While each bank itself sets the size of the loan granted to the sum.

Third situation. It's no secret that many people fall into the trap of financial, using the services of credit companies whose services are offered simply by the ads on poles with only the name of the credit institution, and phone number. The most unpleasant thing in this situation, that such creditors, rather act as intermediaries between the bank and the client. Advertising credits for an hour or even less, such financial companies go broke, because the procedure of processing the loan in a bank intermediation is not technically feasible for such period of time. Client who turned into a similar office, will have to wait at least an hour or two, maybe even a day.

Even if the company is ready to hit the client of its operational, it will require the customer to provide a complete set of documents. Here again without income can not do. After all the fulfillment of all formalities, the client can get a long-awaited "fast" credit, but at high interest rates. Typically, these companies mediators give quick loans at 35-40% per annum.

As a nice alternative to fast loans today are well represented variants of consumer lending. Banks in company with stores were able to establish the necessary rapid clearance of the loan to the buyer. Usually in the case of the purchase on credit, the entire procedure takes just over an hour of time.

From all this we can conclude that the express loans under normal credit conditions are possible only in the context of consumer lending. Considered fast cash loans or for various needs in the light of the convenience and benefits are not very effective. Too expensive.

пятница, 14 ноября 2014 г.

How to get a bigger loan?

Before you go to the bank for a loan you must fill out an application, which the bank will review and make a preliminary decision on lending. The application potential borrower requested to indicate the necessary amount. It often happens that the client received approval and invitation to the bank to sign the loan agreement, learns that he does not approve the requested amount of them, and in less than half. The question arises, what to do in such a situation: to accept and take what they give, or to argue and try to persuade the bank to issue more? What are the ways to increase the amount of the loan - this will be discussed in this article.

To begin, it should be noted that each bank issuing the credit, wants to get its own funds, together with interest at the end of the loan period. To do this he must ensure the creditworthiness of the borrower. In addition, each bank provides loans to the population, there are important objectives, one of which is to minimize losses and maximize profits. Therefore, loans issued to be returned on time, together with the position of interest. To find these customers, banks here on a variety of tricks, such as a call with the approval of the loan, but without specifying the approved amount. Upon receipt of the joyful news clients are running to collect documents. That approval is not the same amount that they requested, clients learn how to rule, only when the visit to the bank. The collected documents are helping the bank to collect about potential customers more information, check its solvency, and to agree to the proposed amount or not - it is only a potential borrower. In addition, there is a practice of applying for a loan to several banking institutions. After receipt of all approvals can be considered the most convenient option

One should distinguish between loan processing and approval of applications for credit. The fact that the approval completely to nothing obliges banking institution, as, indeed, and most of the borrower. Thus, the bank only gives you understand your future customers that pre-test is successful, you can consider further documents and to make the final decision. Therefore, when applying for a few credit agencies and obtain approval a potential borrower has the right to select the proposal which it seems most advantageous.

But the question is why, when the application for a certain amount, banks are sometimes willing to offer only half remains open? Actually explain this behavior quite easily. Because the bank before you issue the funds in debt, carefully examine the potential client, analyzes its credit, and if the results of checks is that the income of the client is not able to maintain the requested amount, the loan is still approve of, but at a lower amount. The fact that the payment of the loan in a month takes no more than 50% of income. Therefore, even if the borrower thinks that getting 30 thousand rubles, it is easy to live for 10 thousand, and 66% could give the bank, it will still be denied a desired amount. In addition, banks are often denied their fair share because of dissatisfaction with a source of income.

But if we ask the bank a certain amount, then we need is in it, is not it? How, then, to do? Is there a way to force the banks to give the amount that is needed? As they say loan officers, the bank could be persuaded to give the required amount, but the bank's decision will depend on several circumstances.

Of course, everyone knows that today receive "white", official salary in Russia was fortunate not to everyone. Many people prefer to work at the company, where the salary paid to gray. In this case, you must prove to the bank that actually your income is higher than indicated in the certificate 2NDFL. Of course, many employers prefer not to publicize this information, but the free-form certificate, or a certificate in the form of bank quite often arrange a suitable employer and bank. Also, many people are working on the basic work, and in his spare time work part time, for example, under the contract, which will serve as proof of additional income. But not only depends on the employer, you will be issued a credit for the help in the form of a bank or not. Despite the fact that most banking institutions now prefer to work with such clients than to let their other institutions are also those banks that take into account only the official, "white" income.

To the bank was set to issue a requested amount, you can offer him anything as collateral. In this case, the property is well suited, car, land, and equity securities. If you have some extra income, such as rental of housing, the interest on the deposit - the bank also takes into account the income and may consider a large sum, a possible loan. Do not forget that all of their property must be documented.

A good option would be to provide the bank guarantor who has enough to repay the requested amount income. Guarantor in this case will also be carefully monitored by the bank, as it is it will pay off the loan in the event of the borrower's inability to repay the debt by the debtor. Additionally, you can lead a co-borrower, the proceeds of which will also be taken into account when calculating the bank the highest possible amount.

In order not to be in a situation where the bargain lost, and lost time, experts advise to think of all the things that relate to credit. First we need to monitor banks and credit products. Ask banking institutions (on site or in the office) about the requirements that apply to potential borrowers. No more than it would advance to calculate how much you get per month, how much money is spent on mandatory spending, and how much you are willing to pay for the loan. Currently, many banking institutions to post on their web pages, loan calculator, which will help everyone to calculate the amount possible to design a loan, the monthly payment. Note that the sum is preliminary, as there are not captured commission.

In conclusion I would like to advise all potential borrowers to soberly assess their strength and financial capacity. Remember how well you approach the planning of their costs and the loan amount depend real possibilities with this loan to pay off fast and painless

How to repay the loan when they lose their jobs?

When appears on the horizon something good, really do not want to think about the poor, about the worst case turn of events. Making out a bank loan, not every borrower thinks about how he will repay the debt if he suddenly loses his job, gets sick and can not work or be demoted. This situation may result in a very big problem, especially if there is a loan, and not one. What do you do in this situation? How not to spoil relations with the bank and not lose their property?

The first thing that should be remembered borrower remain without work, is the need to prevent your lender about the circumstances. The fact that the bank issuing the credit for several years, paints parish money and hopes for their regular intake. Therefore, loss of a job by the borrower very disadvantageous effect on the bank, and the amount of fines and penalties are playing a small role. Therefore, experts recommend borrowers to immediately inform the Bank about his changed financial situation. The Bank expects to receive from its customer a true and current information. Many borrowers who have lost their income and have many thousands of debt owed to the bank, prefer to hide miss mortgage payments, assuming that this is the best option, and the bank will soon forget about them and about the debt. However, in this case, it is best just to come to the bank, tell us about your problem and assure the bank that you will in any case are not going to give up their credit obligations. This is the behavior you demonstrate it as a responsible borrower, you can trust.

What do you do when the former lost revenue, and debt remains? Here there are several options. Firstly, you can contact the creditor bank to provide credit vacation. Most often, the postponement provided for up to 12 months. In this situation, the borrower can be totally exempt from the loan or pay only the interest on the loan. The meaning of vacation credit is that during the duration of their time to the borrower to find a job and be able to pay the debt in the same rhythm. In other words, ask the bank to provide credit vacation makes sense for those borrowers who are confident that soon the work will be found, and income - restored.

Second, you can apply to the bank for loan restructuring. Restructuring - a procedure that involves making changes to the loan agreement, that is to sign a new loan agreement. Can also be changed credit conditions, the term of the loan or the interest rate. Also for restructuring often turn face, combining several loans in different credit institutions in a duty, but in the same credit institution. In the case when a borrower applies for a job loss as a result of the restructuring, the bank can go forward, stop the application of penalties, extend credit, together with a grace period.

It should be noted that the restructuring is a great chance to not mess up your hard-earned positive credit history. So ask for help from your lender needs as early as possible, without waiting for arrears, penalties and calls angry bank.

So, if the borrower comes to the bank with a request to restructure the loan, you need to decide in advance what the payment in this situation would be most acceptable. In conversation with the credit manager must stipulate further conditions for cooperation, the amount of monthly payments, and other issues.

What if the borrower issued a mortgage loan, and the work is lost? In this case also, there are several options that can help borrowers avoid becoming malicious defaulters. The first thing you might consider is the sale of mortgage property to return the greater part of the debt. If the sale does not suit you, you can rent their housing rent, charges for which to give the bank as loan fees. Of course, if you want to take an apartment tenants must always obtain permission from the bank, as the apartment is a mortgage collateral and any actions to be taken with it, should be co-ordinated with the lender. A third option is to help the state - the borrower must apply to the HMLA.

Remember, all calls to the banks and HMLA must be confirmed by the necessary documents, the list of which should be consulted in credit institutions. In any case, if you feel that soon your financial situation may change for the worse, and you have credit obligations, you need to think of their actions and try to avoid the delay, penalties and the transfer of the case to court.

воскресенье, 9 ноября 2014 г.

How much is a mortgage?

How much is a mortgage?
How much is a mortgage?

For many, it is no secret that when buying a home loan borrower carries many costs that are not always obvious. Studying credit conditions in brochures and on banking sites, a potential customer first pays attention to such things as interest rate, loan term, the minimum and maximum amount, eligibility requirements and collateral.

However, in addition to the repayment of principal and interest that you will make over the life of the loan (usually monthly) mortgage involves at least another three types of mandatory spending, namely:

1. Services in search of real estate, its assessment and other collateral, the registration of the contract of sale, mortgage, property rights, and other expenses directly related to the purchased housing.
2. Insurance of the borrower and the property.
3. Commission of the Bank Loan servicing and other operations.

Without dwelling on the first two types of costs in this article we will examine in detail the latter to assess the real value of the mortgage.

As a source we take the information published on the official web sites of banks included in the top twenty most mortgage banks in Russia in the first half of 2006.

Common costs of the loan (for those banks that they indicate):

Commission for opening a loan account
Sometimes it is called "Commission for account maintenance", "Commission for opening and maintaining accounts", "fee for processing the loan agreement", "fee for registration of documents" (not to be confused with the Commission for consideration of the application or expenditure group 1!).
This is a one-time payment to, usually carried out after the application, together with all the documents reviewed and the positive decision to grant a loan.
The amount of payment varies from bank to bank - often it is 1% of the loan amount, but meets and 1.5%. Sometimes the amount fixed in rubles or US dollars. Most often, in the first and in the second case it is in the range of from 3 to 45 thousand or their equivalent.

Commission for consideration of the application
Most often is called, sometimes appears as "solvency analysis", "conclusion of the credit committee," etc.
One-time payment, which is brought to potential customers before consideration of the application by the bank. Sometimes the fee is charged as for reconsideration or amendment of the initial application.
The usual amount - 1000-1800 rubles, but we met a bank where the amount can be up to 4700 rubles. Some banks consideration of the application is free of charge.

Fee for cash withdrawal
It must be taken into account when payment is made in cash to the seller. Strictly speaking, this commission is not specific just for credit - some banks charge their clients a percentage of the amount of cash withdrawn from your checking account at bank or ATM. Others have no such commission, but the most popular option - when the commission is charged from a certain large enough amounts. It is available by examining the rates of the bank on servicing current accounts of individuals.
The most common rate of 0.5%.

The fee for wire transfers
The board also for ordinary operations of the Bank, which may arise in the event that the seller made clearing. It is for this reason that it often does not come to the attention of the borrower. However, if you are going to transfer the loan amount to open a loan account to the seller's account in another bank (or a branch of the same bank), be sure to ask about the size of the commission.
It is usually a fixed percentage of the amount transferred and is in the range of 30 to 5000 rubles. For transfers within the branch committee, usually absent.

Fee for rental of safe deposit box
When cash settlements often requires rental of safe deposit box at the bank that issued the credit. The most common is in the case where the selection of property occurs after the loan.
Rents can range from 500 to 4500 rubles, depending on the bank and the cell.
Thus, in order to minimize your costs, you need to carefully examine the rates of the bank and you choose the most comfortable option payments to the seller. And do it preferably before filing.

What happens if you do not repay the loan to the bank?

What happens if you do not repay the loan to the bank?
What happens if you do not repay the loan to the bank?

In the life of every man, sooner or later there comes a time when no longer enough money. This "moment" a lot of legs, each of which comes at you much stronger earlier, pushing deeper into the bottom of the financial abyss. There are several ways around this momentous event and do not get into the tenacious paws needs. One of them - is to take out a bank loan. Lending is becoming very popular in recent years, but few think about what terrible consequences can comprehend the borrower in the event of his inability to repay the loan. On this and would like to talk about today.

When a person takes a large loan in the bank, he, for some reason, a great believer in the cloudless and the stability of their financial future. My friends, do not be fooled! Absolutely impossible to plan your income for years to come. If you decide to take out a loan, try to anticipate all the possible cases, and cases such great variety. For example, you can get sick, and our medicine will cure your common cold so that you will lose any chance not only to breathe through the nose, but also fully work. You may, God forbid, hurt, because lights on our streets - it's a great luxury (I'm not about Moscow), and all sorts of scumbags are found in abundance. In the end, you just lose a good job. Against all these troubles, there is one panacea - it's insurance (including "loss of income"), if you insure your life and health of a large amount, the insurance company (or you are at the expense of the insurance) itself will pay the bank for the outstanding credit.

If the money to repay the loan over, and no insurance you do not, then immediately (!) Run to the bank and tearfully begged the Lord bankers to postpone payment of at least a few months without penalty. Most often, banks with a rare sympathetic to the grief and go to meet the client. In case you did not bring respite anticipated revenues, there are two possible scenarios: first - you go to the bank, announces its full insolvency and voluntarily sell the collateral; the second option is more dramatic - you decide to hide from the bank, naively believing that it will save you and your property.

If you have surrendered voluntarily, the bank will not insist on the immediate sale of collateral, and will give you up to six months at this time. Keep in mind that buyers seek to bail you'll do, the bank will give you only agree to the deal, and his representative may be present during the transaction. While you will be selling your mortgage, the bank will continue to charge you interest, so that the faster you will sell your property, the better.

If you are on the run, then the bank will sue where, uniquely, is successful. In this case your presence at the trial is not required. Then you come to the wicked, bailiffs, all costs will describe and take away your property, then it will be sold at auction (sale of collateral, by the way, may occur without notice to the Borrower). Such a transaction may be revoked only if you can prove that they are not in court for a good reason, such as unwell. If as collateral to sell your apartment, you are in for 10 days are required to release it, otherwise the new owner will come with the same evil and bailiffs to evict you literally on the street (on the new Housing Code is quite possible)!

After the sale of the collateral the bank can afford to take only the portion of money that you owe as of principal plus interest and possible penalties. The remaining part you get back. This is another argument in favor of voluntary surrender, as in the case of the sale of the property by the court of its market value is reduced by about half. Plus, you will pay a huge penalty to the bank for the delay (to the fugitives no mercy!), And for costs and expenses legal costs, commission bailiffs (7% of value), the Commission for pre-valuation of the assets and the organization of the auction.

In general, remember that when you take a loan, you take on someone else's time, and have to give her and for all.

Take care of yourself!

To be or not to be a guarantor?

Best friend wants to take a cash loan for several years, and asks you to speak his surety to the bank. The man he is, of course, a very decent, but it is a sum with many zeros! It is known also, that in the event of insolvency of a comrade, the guarantor is financially responsible to the bank. And agrees not want to, and it is difficult to deny - so because you can hurt a good man. What we can do?

Civil Code provides: "In case of nonperformance or improper performance of the obligations secured by a guarantee by the debtor and the surety debtor jointly and severally liable to the creditor, unless the law or the contract of guarantee is not provided vicarious liability of the guarantor.
Guarantor shall be liable to the creditor in the same volume as the debtor, including interest payments, reimbursement of legal costs of debt collection and other losses of the lender, fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations of the debtor, unless otherwise provided by the contract of guarantee. "

You should understand what each takes money to evaluate its ability to pay and then:

Say "Yes"

Friends are learned in trouble. And maybe people now really need your help. Think about a situation where you too need to take credit (for an apartment, a car) and will need a guarantor. Who do you go, how not to friends?

Saying "No"

Let's see what is in fact a guarantee. You become a guarantor for a bank client's solvency, of which the bank wins. The client gets the credit - his interests also satisfied. A guarantor bears the financial risk getting nothing in return.

Under current law, the bank has every right in the case of loan default submit claims to both the debtor and the guarantors to the solidarity of the order. This means that the entire debt may collect from you through forced bailiff service, and only then you will be in the order of recourse to recover this amount through the court with another, once considered the best.

People say:
"If you want to lose a friend - to lend him money."
"I share a friendship and financial affairs!"
"Friendship ends where it begins the cash nexus."
"Friendship, friendship, and money apart!"

Say that the surety - not your profession, you do not understand this and therefore can not give him such a service. Respond quickly and easily to put the question to you a firm "no." Once you become a guarantor, you begin to feel their dependence on everything that happens in the life of this man, loses the rest, you gradually destroys the uncertainty of their own future. After all, if you agree, necessarily appears unnecessary headache, credit then your friend will not pay quickly, so if you are ready, maybe ten years, to be in constant tension?

If you are afraid of offending people - motivate its refusal by the following:

1. It is possible that you will need to take out a loan, the maximum amount it will pay out of your monthly income, which is calculated by the following formula: "salary accrued - (taxes paid + alimony + average monthly withholding payment of the loan by 50% of the average monthly payment on of the guarantee). In other words, your guarantee of a significant impact on the size of the loan.

2. Encourage a friend to turn to another bank - there are banks that loan without guarantors. Instead of guarantee they insure life and disability of the borrower, give a loan against anything owned by the borrower (car, apartment). And a good friend - risking his property, he is afraid, and you expose it costs nothing.

3. Invent a beautiful refusal. For example, "I am a guarantor in such and such, recently met, he urgently needed money. In two or three places you can not be a guarantor, the bank say they will refuse to grant a loan. "

4. Refuse, referring to something original, and it is difficult to argue (eg, religion does not allow, or the stars in the sky urges to refrain from any monetary transactions).

If you decide to answer "no", in any case, do not expose yourself remorse. You did nothing wrong. Where there is money, there is no place of friendship. Only payment (cold and clear). If this is really a friend, he will give you the right to choose and correctly understand your refusal.
Summary: When financial issues the following formula: if the sum unimportant to you - it can take risks. But do not take chances with what you have or what you have is "all", or at least a small part of the "whole".

What are credits?


If you still do not get lost in the variety of loan products offered today by Russian banks, you can safely skip this material. But if you are too lazy to seek out their own textbooks and on the internet explanations of technical terms and descriptions of strange processes associated with lending to the population, we will try to do it for you.

By purpose loans provided to individuals confidently into the following categories:

Loans for the purchase of real estate - this includes loans for the purchase and construction of apartments, houses, cottages, garages. Some banks provide loans for the purchase of land and rooms.

Loans for the purchase of a car - everything is clear. Some banks provide loans for the purchase of both new and used vehicles. The conditions in these two cases are different.

Consumer loans - in this category include all loans other than those listed. However, many Russian banks detail this concept, where there are:

Education loans - usually a loan with a validity equal to the period of study. Usually it is available to students in higher education institutions, in some cases - special secondary.

Loans for the purchase of household appliances - a very common type of loans is fast processing and the minimum required documents.

Loans for the purchase of boats - as though it may sound exotic, but there are also credit products. They claimed, as a rule, in the cities, landlocked or located near a large body of water.

Loans for urgent needs - such wording is used when the client can choose the purpose of the loan (except those for which there are special products).

By the form of secured loans are divided into:

Collateralized - in this case, the bank takes collateral from the borrower or other person called Pledger, some property - real estate, cars, securities, precious metals and others. This procedure is executed by special agreement, which records the parameters of the property, including the cost, its location, the period of pledging and other significant terms. In the case of non-payment of the loan collateral must provide the bank to pay damages - through sale, lease, etc.

Secured by a guarantee - are loans for which, in addition to the borrower become responsible and other persons or entities, called guarantors. While the borrower to repay the loan in a timely manner, the guarantors can sleep peacefully. But as soon as the bank has any doubt about the fact that the loan will be repaid on time, it starts in a particular manner to glance in the direction of the guarantors.

Typically, when significant amounts of credits used both types of software. All banks are willing to accept as collateral for bail, bail is demanding on the reputation of the guarantor - mainly refers to financial reputation.

By the method of repayment can distinguish the following types of loans:

Loans with bullet repayment of the full - it is usually done at the end of loan period. Repay principal and interest thereon.

Loans with maturity differentiated payments - in this case the loan payment includes a fixed portion, obtained by dividing the amount of the debt on the loan term in months (if paying monthly) and a variable part, which decreases as the principal repayment.

Loans with maturity equal payments - in this case, the payment amount remains unchanged throughout the term of repayment and includes calculated by tricky formula, which we shall not give here, the amount of repayment of principal and interest.

By type of interest calculation differ:

Loans with fixed interest rate - this means that the rate does not change during the entire loan period.
Loans with floating interest rates - in this case, the rate depends on the global macroeconomic indicators (how exactly, is prescribed in the loan agreement), and can change in the course of repayment.